Legislative Tracker and Advocacy Groups
Use the searchable database below to determine if your state has pending LGBTQ+ legislation and local advocacy groups you can support that fighting to secure LGBTQ+ rights.
Note: I am not familiar with all of the advocacy groups included in the links on the list, please do your research before donating or volunteering for a specific group.
Last updated: March 16, 2022
Visit the ACLU website for a more up-to-date list of pending bills (ACLU updates their list weekly)
Visit the Movement Advancement Project State Profiles and the GLSEN Policy Maps to see what anti-LGBTQ+ laws a state already has on the books.
View this Forbes article for information on CRT bills pending and passed.
Database Key
1 = Bills Restricting healthcare for transgender youth
2 = Bills Focused on Single Sex Facility Restrictions
3 = Bills Excluding Transgender Youth from Athletics
4 = Bills Focused on Other School or Curriculum Restrictions
5 = Bills Restricting Accessing Accurate ID
6 = Other Anti-Trans Bills
7 = Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
8 = Religious Exemptions in Healthcare Implicating LGBTQ People
9 = Religious Exemptions in Adoption & Foster Care
10 = Other Religious Exemption Bills
11 = Other Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills
Other Resources
5 Day Teacher Challenge for Creating Inclusive LGBTQ+ Mathematics Classes
Talking about LGBTQ+ Identity: A Guide for PK-16 Educators
Visions of a Re/humanized Mathematics for LGBTQ+ Students (Synchronous Course Offering)
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